
Family Law

We are a leading provider of legal advice and representation in relation to family law in the TCI and internationally, including:

  • Divorce
  • Ancillary Relief and Matrimonial Finance
  • Wardship
  • Child abduction matters

Family law, often called matrimonial law covers various domestic relations. Situations and relationships change all the time and you may find yourself in need of a competent and sensitive lawyer. Our specialist team work with complex family legal issues and handle each individual case with professionalism, helping you to resolve family matters quickly and with minimal conflict. We believe family law must be handled in a more gentle way than corporate and tailor our approach to your family’s needs.

Our client care is a priority and you will always be consulted at every stage of legal proceedings as well as offered honest and realistic advice, especially regarding costs so that you can make informed decisions of cost versus benefits.

Oliver Chapman and Chris Smith
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